All class announcements and coordination will be done through the CS2 Discord Server. An invite link to the server can be found in Canvas.
Joining and participating in conversation in the Discord server is a part of your class participation grade.
Keep message in the server relevant to CS2.
You can use the various channels to ask questions about a lecture, a lab, a project, or any other issue you have.
You are welcome to help other students with any questions they have.
Do not send your code into the Discord. Snippets are fine if they are small.
You must change your nickname in the server to be your actual name. We will not respond to you, through DMs or in the server, if we cannot identify who you are.
To change your name:
Locate yourself on the member-list on the right side of the screen.
Right click on yourself, and select "Edit Server Profile".
Enter your name into the "Server Nickname" field.
Click "Save Changes".
All regrade requests must be made in the CS2 Discord Server.
These requests must go in the #regrade-requests
When your grader announces your grades for a milestone, they will also announce the deadline for regrade requests. These announcements will be in the #grade-announcements
Additionally, they must follow these guidelines:
Your request MUST be in the following format:
You must ping your grader using Discord's "at" system. This can be done by typing @, typing your grader's name, and then selecting their name from the list.
The project and milestone you are requesting a regrade for.
Your Kent State username. This is the same as your Kent State email address.
The revision number that you wante regraded. This number is given to you when you run an svn commit
. You can also determine this number by running svn log
See the pinned messages in #regrade-requests
for an example regrade request.
You MUST send your regrade request before the deadline given to you by your grader. Any requests sent after this deadline will be ignored.
You CANNOT edit your regrade request message. If you edit your regrade request message at all, we will ignore the request. If you made a mistake, or want a different revision regraded, delete the original message and send a new one. This message must also be sent before the deadline.
If your regrade request violates any of the requirements, it will be ignored.