File Editors

Visual Studio Code

You can setup an SSH connection with the help of a VSCode Extension. This will let you use the command code [filename] to open the file natively in VSCode.



There are several editors available both inside and outside the UNIX environment. This page contains some tips for several editors as well as setup information for using Visual Studio Code.


NANO Cheat Sheet


EMACS Cheat Sheet


It is important to note that Vi has two modes. One is for giving commands and the other is for inserting and editing the text of the file. Opening Vi defaults to for former, you have to initiate entering and exiting Insert mode.

VI Cheat Sheet

Local Editors

If you create a local copy of your files on your machine, then you will be able to open and edit them with any editors you have installed.

When working this way, always make sure to commit the changes you made in the editor to the server when you finish. Your local changes are not reflected on the server until you perform a commit.

Here is a list of potential editors:

Last update: EST