CS 23001 Working Copy Setup

The checkout commands done below put the checked out directories in your home directory. Put the checked out directories in another directory if you prefer.

The directories cs23001 and shared should be in the same directory, i.e., in your home directory.

Checkout your Working Copy

This only needs to be done once (for your UNIX account).

If you already have a directory named cs23001, rename it before you do the checkout:

mv cs23001 cs23001_old

Note that you cannot copy or move entire directories from an old working copy to a new one.

In the commands that follow, the # and any characters that follow it are comments, like // in C++. You don't need to type the comments.

Checkout your working copy, replace USERNAME with your Kent State username.

cd                     # Go to your home directory
svn co http://svn.cs.kent.edu/courses/cs23001/svn/USERNAME cs23001

This will give you a working copy named cs23001.

If you omit the cs23001 in the command, the checkout will give you a working copy that is named after your username.

You can use a web browser to see your repository directory. Click on the following link, and then replace "USERNAME" in the browser's location box with your username.


Instructor Provided Material

Material will be provided in a shared repository for the labs.

You can check out a working copy of the provided material.

This only needs to be done once (for your UNIX account).

If you already have a directory named shared, either rename or delete it before you do the checkout:

mv shared shared_old   # Rename
rm -rf shared          # Delete

Do the checkout:

cd                     # Go to your home directory
svn co http://svn.cs.kent.edu/courses/cs23001/svn/shared

When additional material is provided or changes are made, you will need to do an update in your working copy:

cd                     # Go to your home directory
cd shared
svn update             # Make the working copy match the repository

The material may be seen at:


URL: https://data-structures.cs.kent.edu/labs/Info/working_copy_setup.html
Last update: EST