Lab - Debugging II



Basic Debugging Tips:


We need to:

  1. Copy the debug_lab2 directory from shared into your cs23001 folder


The program you've been given, pop_growth.cpp has multiple bugs. You may NOT use a third-party debugging tool (i.e., NO Visual Studio).

Example input and output:

$ make pop
$ ./pop
Enter the name of the university
Kent State University
What is the current population? 10000
What is the rate of growth? (e.g., for 10% enter 10) 20

Year  New Population
1     12000
2     14400
3     17280
4     20736
5     24883

Final population of Kent State University is 24883
Done? (Y/N) y

Remember that you can run this multiple times:

$ make pop
$ ./pop
Enter the name of the university
What is the current population? 5678
What is the rate of growth? (e.g., for 10% enter 10) 5

Year  New Population
1     5961
2     6259
3     6571
4     6899
5     7243

Final population of Kent is 7243
Done? (Y/N) N
Starting again
What is the current population? 123
What is the rate of growth? (e.g., for 10% enter 10) 8

Year  New Population
1     132
2     142
3     153
4     165
5     178

Final population of Kent is 178
Done? (Y/N) y

Don't forget about errors:

$ make pop
$ ./pop
Enter the name of the university
The Venture Bros. University!
What is the current population? -1
./pop: Invalid Input Error!

$ make pop
$ ./pop
Enter the name of the university
What is the current population? 7896
What is the rate of growth? (e.g., for 10% enter 10) foobar
./pop: Invalid Input Error!

$ make pop
$ ./pop
Enter the name of the university
What is the current population? 9000
What is the rate of growth? (e.g., for 10% enter 10) 15

Year  New Population
1     10350
2     11902
3     13687
4     15740
5     18101

Final population of MIT is 18101
Done? (Y/N) q
./pop: Invalid input
The program will exit


The following should be true when you are done, NAMES MUST MATCH EXACTLY:

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