CS 23001 Computer Science II: Data Structures & Abstraction

Lecture topic (class #):
  1. Introduction and Overview, Review, Chapter 1
  2. Abstract Data Types (ADTs) and the Class Construct, Chapter 2
  3. Classes, Objects, and ADTs
  4. Compiling, Software Testsing, Identifier Naming
  5. Set ADT, Constructors, operator overloading, I/O, Chapter 2
  6. Set ADT, Test Cases
  7. String ADT, operator overloading
  8. String ADT, overloading, Assertions, Pre, Post conditions
  9. Pointers, Chapter 4
  10. Dynamic arrays, copy constructor, destructor
  11. Copy constructor, destructor, assignment, swap
  12. Generics, Templates, Chapter 6.1-2
  13. Stacks, Prefix, Postfix, Infix, Chapter 7
  14. Stacks, Stack algorithms
  15. Recursion, Chapter 9
  16. Queues, Chapter 8
  17. Linked lists, Chapter 5
  18. Linked lists Stack
  19. Linked lists Queue
  20. Double linked lists, Containers/Iterators, Chapter 3, 6.3
  21. Containers/Iterators
  22. Binary Trees, Chapter 10
  23. Binary Trees
  24. Binary Trees - node removal
  25. Discuss Project 4
  26. Backtracking and recursion
  27. Inheritance, exceptions, virtual, Chapter 14
  28. Review
  29. Final Exam
Readings are from Main and Savitch

Lab Topics (weekly):
  1. Introduction to lab, setting up accounts, handing in assignments. Editing and Unix commands.
  2. make, svn, Unix commands
  3. Unit Testing
  4. File I/O
  5. Debugging
  6. Dynamic Memory - object creation and destruction
  7. Command line interface (CLI)
  8. Recursion
  9. Testing
  10. Linked lists
  11. Infix/Postfix/Prefix
  12. Profiling
  13. STL
  14. Project 4

URL: https://data-structures.cs.kent.edu/schedule.html
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