CS 23001 Computer Science II: Data Structures & Abstraction
Fall 2024
Department of Computer Science
Kent State University
Instructor: Joshua Behler
Office Hours: MW 4:00 - 6:00pm (after lecture) MSB 107
Lecture & Location: MW 2:15 - 3:30pm SMH 110
Lab Location: 162 MSB
Exam 1: Week of Sept. 23rd in Lab
Exam 2: Week of Oct. 21st in Lab
Final Exam: Monday Dec. 9th, 12:45 - 3:00pm (MSB 162, 139, 274)
Syllabus and list of topics for each lecture
Schedule and Calendar for the course with topics of each lecture

  • Labs START the first week of classes (the week of August 19). You MUST attend lab.
  • MUST complete a Pre-Quiz in Canvas before lecture by Monday Aug. 19th.
  • All course communication will be done via a CSII Discord server. See the announcement in Canvas for an invite link. Change your nickname on this server to your real name. We will not answer anyone using an alias.

Course Information:
  • ALL COURSE COMMUNICATION will be done using the course Discord server. Office hours will be done on Discord and in person. You can ask and answer questions about the lecture, labs, and assignments on Discord. Please change your nickname on this server to your real name. We will not answer anyone using an alias.
  • Lecture will consist mainly of the instructor typing code (in an IDE), explaining code (via slides, board, etc.), and answering questions. Copies of lecture slides are provided online (in Canvas).
  • Computer Science tutoring schedule.
  • Lab page with lab assignments.
  • Lab Instructors: Eduardo Jirón Alvarado, Kyle Novak
  • Lab Sections (162 MSB):
    • Section 001: T 12:05pm-02:00pm - Kyle
    • Section 002/005: R 12:05pm-02:00pm - Eduardo
    • Section 003: F 12:05pm-02:00pm - Kyle
    • Section 004: R 4:25pm-06:20pm - Eduardo
  • Course servers and subversion repository.
  • Assignment grading and submission - read before handing first assignment.
  • Additional resources: pointers to books, manuals, and tutorials.

  • Project Due Dates:
    • Project 1
      • Milestone 1 Due: Monday Sep 9 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 2 Due: Monday Sep 16 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 3 Due: Monday Sep 23 - 9:00am
    • Project 2
      • Milestone 1 Due: Monday Sep 30 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 2 Due: Monday Oct 7 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 3 Due: Monday Oct 14 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 4 Due: Monday Oct 21 - 9:00am
    • Project 3
      • Milestone 1 Due: Monday Oct 28 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 2 Due: Monday Nov 4 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 3 Due: Tuesday Nov 12 - 9:00am
    • Project 4
      • Milestone 1 Due: Monday Nov 18 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 2 Due: Monday Nov 25 - 9:00am
      • Milestone 3 Due: Wed Dec 11 - 1:00pm (no regrades)

URL: https://data-structures.cs.kent.edu/
Last update: EST